about us

Everyone who loves food belongs to the kitchen!

Our kitchen journey has been started since late August when grad-school unite us. Both of us are vegetarian, love food, and have a very strict agreement about how much ice cream we should have the least in the apartment (2 pints/ weeks!).

Katie has been an amazing baker, and Rika has been very successful not to kill anyone with her cook. Katie is a precise cook, she measures ingredients and follows the rule, her cook never fails. Meanwhile, Rika just tries to put ingredients based on her memory and intuition. Sometimes she tries a new recipe and follows it, but most of her measurement on the other recipes are an estimation.

At the beginning, this blog was just our archive for the meal that we've made, but at the end, we decided to publish it as a blog because it might be useful to help other students who try to survive in school life and has no time to think about meal menu. Also, we want to encourage people who think that they can't cook to cook. If we can cook, there's no doubt that you can!


Katie and Rika


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